Commissioning guides

The British Elbow and Shoulder Society (BESS) and the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) have published a number of commissioning guides which outline patient care pathways. These pathways provide evidence-based commissioning guidance on managing common orthopaedic problems in primary care as well as criteria for referral.

The following commissioning guides relating to shoulder conditions are available to download from the BOA website:

Subacromial shoulder pain

Traumatic shoulder instability

Frozen shoulder

Glenohumeral osteoarthritis

Information on referring patients in the independent sector

Patients may seek a private referral. If they are self-funding then the decision on who to see is usually based on the patient's choice and recommendation of the GP. In instances where patients have private health insurance, it is not uncommon to see this choice eroded by the insurance company dictating who the patient sees. We are recognised by the major insurance companies and in most instances patients should not encounter any problems from their insurance companies if they choose to see one of us. You may find the following leaflet from FIPO useful to refer to:

FIPO - Information for General Practitioners about referring patients in the Independent Sector.